Hello! My name is Annabelle and I am a second year Religion, Philosophy and Ethics student.
I picked this subject because I have a strong interest in it, especially the ethical side where I get to debate and learning about the different religions and how and why people believe what they believe. After I finish my degree, I would like to go into teaching or down the more research side and work in a museum.
My favourite aspect of my course is all the different religions we get to learn about, from Christianity all the way to Aboriginal tribes. I also love all the ethical and philosophical debates we get to have and listening to what everyone has to say or believes. My course involves a work placement in the second year, however you don’t need to think about that until you are doing it.
The subjects I studied at GCSE level were History, Religious Education, Music, and French. I picked History and Religious Education because I loved the subjects and the topics involved in them and knew I wanted to study them at A-Level and potentially at university. I love music, I always have and I always will, so I decided to take it at GCSE because it was fun and I knew I would love it. I am part of the Musical Theatre group at uni, so the skills I learnt in GCSE music have definitely helped me with this. The last subject I did at GCSE was French. I picked it because I liked the subject, however, I knew I didn’t want to take it further. For my A-Levels, I picked History, Religious Education and Photography and for AS Level I did English Literature. I picked all these subjects because I loved them and didn’t really know which one to take at uni. However, by Year 13, I decided I was best at Religious Education.
Finally, if I could give any advice to someone who is interested in this course I would say do a bit of reading or to watch some films/youtube videos on the topics around the subject that you are interested in, it will just help you feel a little bit more confident going into your first lecture. And lastly, just go for it, you have nothing to lose and you might even surprise yourself.
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