
Karl Eaveson

Organisation Manager at Men Into Childcare York and Deputy Nursery Manager at a York Children's Nursery


Hi Karl! How long have you worked in childcare & what childcare qualifications do you currently hold?
“I have worked in childcare for 9 years and hold a degree in Educational Leadership in the Children’s Workforce as well as being a qualified Childcare Assessor”.

Why did you first want to start a career in childcare?
"I had an interest and didn’t initially follow it when I left school. When I found myself at 18 years old, 2 years removed from school and working as a baker for a well-known company I knew it was now that I had to change something. I enrolled on a 2-day introduction to childcare course through Scarborough council and the rest they say is history. 9 years later I am loving my career and can’t wait to go to work each day".

What do you most enjoy about working in childcare?
"You are the witness of so many wonderful ‘firsts.’ The first steps, first mumbled ‘bye byes,’ the first time on the potty. When children accomplish something, it makes you beam with pride. I honestly believe that the day I don’t feel this any-more then it is time for a change".


What does your average day look like when at work?

"My average day varies but as part of my role as Deputy Manager in my current setting, I spend up to 70% of my working week working in the rooms with the children and supporting the teams on the floor. I also spend focus periods with each individual room to support and guide the practitioners and document progress so we can see how things are progressing week to week.

What is Men Into Childcare and where do you see it heading?

Men Into Childcare is a support network for male practitioners in the York area. Since 2017, we have held regular network meetings quarterly opening these meetings up to all York settings to try and support as many makes as we can.

Over the 2 years we have had offers from both colleges and schools and now offer a range of sessions including: Information stands, Talks, Workshops and Assemblies. The outreach side of our work has gone from strength to strength and we have recently begun a pilot male mentoring programme at Harrogate College.

Next I would love nothing more than to see the mentioning programme rolled out at other colleges across North Yorkshire and truly believe that this scheme can be a huge success.

Do you have any children yourself? If yes, what are their names/ages/sexes?

Do you have any pets?

What do you like to do outside of work?
"I love spending time with my partner, family and friends. I also enjoy cooking, reading and playing video games (old Tomb Raider is my all time favourite). I also concentrate a large portion of my free time to managing and promoting Men into Childcare which I truly believe is a very important initiative"

Tell us one interesting fact about yourself…
"I once met England football legend Alan Shearer in a fish and chip shop".

Finally, tell us your likes & dislikes!
"I love travelling and then trying to recreate the food when I get home. I very much dislike heights and snakes".

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