
1. Job Title

Hi everyone, my name is Lydia and I am an Outreach Coordinator for Inspiring Choices. 

2. Background

During my time as a BA (Hons) History undergraduate at York St John , specialising in American and modern 19-20th century socio-cultural history. During my time at university, I worked as a student ambassador where I learned about the higher education sector and explored my interests in helping young people make decisions about their future. After I graduated, I worked as an Education Outreach Coordinator at YSJ, delivering on projects such as a year 12 summer school, primary outreach and mentoring with secondary schools. 

3. What is your favourite part of your job?

I most enjoy delivering workshops in schools, providing advice on future education and/or career paths. I also find mentoring projects rewarding especially when you can see progression in confidence and ability from young people over the period of time.

4. What one piece of advice would you give to someone looking at their future education 

Reflecting on my own experience, I would recommend visiting career fairs where you can speak to businesses, colleges and universities- find out more about the sector you are interested in and book a career appointment. You can never ask too many questions!
Please don't think at the age of 16 or 18 that your path is set! Don't worry if you are unsure of what to do, even when I was at university, I was still unsure on my career path. 
And last piece of advice, don't go into a career or the same college/ university just because your school friends are going, take these opportunities to explore your identity and passions. 

5. What is your favourite film or book 

Favourite film is Twilight, sadly I can recall most scenes without prompt.  

6. If you were an animal, what type of animal do you think you’d be 

Probably because I have a shih tzu (Teddy), I would say I would like to be one! Think I would enjoy the pampers and different outfits. 

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Resources designed to support young people who are navigating school, further education, and higher education!

school students

Parents and Carers

Resources for Parents/Carers to enable you to support young people as they make decisions about their future



Resources for teachers/practitioners working with young people and supporting the Careers curriculum in school/college


Additional Support

Resource and information relating to specific groups and / or circumstances that may benefit from additional support.
