How to support the GRTSB community
Members of the Gypsy, Roma Traveller (GRT) communities are discriminated against at alarming rates. Prejudices, stereotypes and misinformation about people is harmful to the communities as a whole, but also the individuals. While we all have prejudices and unconscious biases, it is our responsibility to break these down.
The best thing you can do is learn more!
Many areas have local Traveller organisations, and often hold events and informational sessions. Do a Google search to see what local options you may have.
The internet can be a good thing!
Below we share resources and accounts from members of the GRT community, it is important to hear and learn from people in the community themselves. These are people that have chosen to help educate people about their culture, but it is important to note that in general, the GRT community as a whole is not responsible for you biases and education. We have to work to shift the burden of responsibility of educating people and stopping the spread of misinformation from away members of discriminated against communities. It is your job to seek out this information from those willing and happy to share.
Start conversations...
Talk with your family, your co-workers or your students about breaking down potential prejudices surrounding the GRT community.
Speak up if you hear misinformation or stereotypes being stated.
A good reminder for all: everyone deserves respect and to live without discrimination regardless of their culture, beliefs or lifestyle- regardless of if you understand it.
Shying away from and not discussing GRT communities and the biases they face, allows for these biases to continue.
Websites to check out:
The Traveller Movement
The National Association of Teachers of Travellers + Other Professionals
Open Society Foundations
Holocaust Memorial Trust
York Travellers Trust
Friends, Families and Travellers
Traveller Times
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How to support the GRTSB community